Uses of Interface

Packages that use FitnessFunction
org.dbe.eve.fff This package provides the interfaces and classes for the FitnessFunctionFramework. 
org.dbe.eve.fff.impl This package provides a default implementation of a FitnessFunction for the default implementation of the GA. This package provides the interfaces and classes for adding a Genetic Algorithm to the Habitat. This package provides a default implementation of a Genetic Algorithm. 

Uses of FitnessFunction in org.dbe.eve.fff

Subinterfaces of FitnessFunction in org.dbe.eve.fff
 interface FitnessFunctionAggregator

Methods in org.dbe.eve.fff that return FitnessFunction
static FitnessFunction FitnessFunctionFramework.getFitnessFunction(SBVRDescription description, FitnessFunctionContext context)
 FitnessFunction FitnessFunctionFramework.getFitnessFunction(java.lang.String name)

Uses of FitnessFunction in org.dbe.eve.fff.impl

Classes in org.dbe.eve.fff.impl that implement FitnessFunction
 class AnotherFFImpl
          TODO JavaDoc
 class DefaultAgregator
          A "how-to" implementation example for a FitnessFunctionAggregator.
 class FFSimpleImplementation

Uses of FitnessFunction in

Methods in with parameters of type FitnessFunction
 void GeneticAlgorithm.start(FitnessFunction function, StopCondition condition, ServicePool pool)
          Start the Genetic Algorithm using the indicated Fitness function.

Uses of FitnessFunction in

Methods in with parameters of type FitnessFunction
 void DefaultGeneticAlgorithmImpl.start(FitnessFunction function, StopCondition condition, ServicePool pool)