Uses of Class

Packages that use FitnessFunctionFramework
org.dbe.eve.fff This package provides the interfaces and classes for the FitnessFunctionFramework. 
org.dbe.eve.fff.impl This package provides a default implementation of a FitnessFunction for the default implementation of the GA. 

Uses of FitnessFunctionFramework in org.dbe.eve.fff

Methods in org.dbe.eve.fff with parameters of type FitnessFunctionFramework
 void FitnessFunctionAggregator.setFramework(FitnessFunctionFramework framework)

Uses of FitnessFunctionFramework in org.dbe.eve.fff.impl

Fields in org.dbe.eve.fff.impl declared as FitnessFunctionFramework
(package private)  FitnessFunctionFramework DefaultAgregator.framework

Methods in org.dbe.eve.fff.impl with parameters of type FitnessFunctionFramework
 void DefaultAgregator.setFramework(FitnessFunctionFramework framework)